Tacoscript - execute tasks with ease
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If you have the rport client already installed, you very likely will have tacoscript installed as well because the installer script installs it by default. On Windows check the existence of the C:\Program Files\tacoscript folder, on Linux and macOS check /usr/local/bin/tacpscript.

Jump to our release page and download a binary for your host OS. Don’t forget to download a corresponding md5 file as well and compare the checksums.

On macOS

curl -L https://download.rport.io/tacoscript/stable/?arch=Darwin_$(uname -m)|\
tar xzf - -C /usr/local/bin/ tacoscript

On Linux

curl -L https://download.rport.io/tacoscript/stable/?arch=Linux_$(uname -m)|\
tar xzf - -C /usr/local/bin/ tacoscript

On Windows

iwr https://download.rport.io/tacoscript/stable/?arch=Windows_x86_64 `
-OutFile tacoscript.zip
$dest = "C:\Program Files\tacoscript"
mkdir $dest
mkdir "$($dest)\bin"
Expand-Archive -Path tacoscript.zip -DestinationPath $dest -force
mv "$($dest)\tacoscript.exe" "$($dest)\bin"


        "Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine
    ) + ";$($dest)\bin",
& tacoscript --version

Compile from sources

git clone https://github.com/realvnc-labs/tacoscript.git
cd tacoscript
go build -o tacoscript main.go
./tacoscript --help
mv tacoscript /usr/local/bin/tacoscript