Tacoscript - execute tasks with ease
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With tacoscript you can manage files by settings their contents directly from the yaml file or by copying them from different sources.


The task file.managed ensures the existence of a file in the local file system. It can download files from remote urls (currently http(s)/ftp protocols are supported) or copy a file from the local file system. It can verify the checksums processed files and show content diffs in the source and target files.

file.managed has following format:

    - name: C:\temp\progs\npp.7.8.8.Installer.x64.exe
    - source: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.8/npp.7.8.8.Installer.x64.exe
    - source_hash: md5=79eef25f9b0b2c642c62b7f737d4f53f
    - makedirs: true # default false
    - repl: false # default true
    - creates: 'C:\Program Files\notepad++\notepad++.exe'

We can interpret this script as:

  1. Download a file from https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.8/npp.7.8.8.Installer.x64.exe to some temp location.
  2. Check if md5 hash of it matches 79eef25f9b0b2c642c62b7f737d4f53f. If not, skip the task.
  3. Check if md5 hash of the target file C:\temp\npp.7.8.8.Installer.x64.exe matches 79eef25f9b0b2c642c62b7f737d4f53f, if yes, it means the file exists and has the desired content, so the task will be skipped.
  4. The tacoscript should make directory tree C:\temp\progs, if needed. If file at C:\temp\npp.7.8.8.Installer.x64.exe exists, it won’t be replaced even if it has a different content. The task will be skipped if the file C:\Program Files\notepad++\notepad++.exe already exists.

Here is another file.managed task:

    - name: /tmp/my-file.txt
    - contents: |
        My file content
        goes here
        Funny file        
    - skip_verify: true # default false
    - user: root
    - group: www-data
    - mode: 0755
    - encoding: UTF-8
    - onlyif:
        - which apache2

We can read it as following:

  1. Copy contents My file content\ngoes here\nFunny file to the /tmp/my-file.txt file.
  2. Don’t check the hashsum of it. Implicitly tacoscript will compare the contents of the target file with the provided content and show the differences.
  3. If the contents don’t differ, the task will be skipped. If file doesn’t exist, it will be created. Tacoscript will make sure, that the file /tmp/my-file.txt is owned by user root, group - www-data, and has file mode 0755. The target content will be encoded as UTF-8. The task will be skipped if the target system has no apache2 installed.
List of supported parameters:
Note that the global parameters for conditionals, dependencies and templating are also supported.


required string

Name is the file path of the target file. A file.managed will make sure that the file /tmp/targetfile.txt is created or has the expected content.

    - name: /tmp/targetfile.txt


optional string

URL or local path of the source file which should be copied to the target file. Source can be HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URL or a local file path. See some examples below:

    - name: /tmp/targetfile.txt
    - source: ftp://user:pass@
    - source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathiasbynens/utf8.js/master/package.json
    - source: http://someur.com/somefile.json
    - source: C:\temp\downloadedFile.exe


optional string

Contains the hash sum of the source file in format [hash_algo]=[hash_sum].

    - name: /tmp/sub/utf8-js-1.json
    - source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathiasbynens/utf8.js/master/package.json
    - source_hash: sha256=40c5219fc82b478b1704a02d66c93cec2da90afa62dc18d7af06c6130d9966ed

Currently, tacoscript supports following hash algorithms:


If skip_verify is set to false, tacoscript will check the hash of the target file defined in the name field. If it matches with the source_hash, the task will be skipped. Further on it will download the file from the source field to a temp location and will compare it’s hash with the source_hash value.

If it doesn’t match, tacoscript will fail. The reason for it is that source_hash is also used to verify that the source file was successfully downloaded and was not modified during the transmission.

This applies for both urls and local files. If skip_verify is set to true, the source_hash will be completely ignored. Tacoscript will compare hashes of source and target files by sha256 algorithm and skip the task if they match.

source_hash will be used only to verify the source field. If it’s empty and contents field is used, the hash won’t be checked.


optional boolean default=false

If the file is located in a path without a parent directory, then the task will fail. If makedirs is set to true, then the parent directories will be created to facilitate the creation of the named file.

Here is an example:

    - name: /tmp/sub/some/dir/utf8-js-1.json
    - makedirs: true

If makedirs was false and dir path at /tmp/sub/some/dir/ doesn’t exist, the task will fail. Otherwise, tacoscript will first create directories tree /tmp/sub/some/dir/ and then place file utf8-js-1.json in it.


optional boolean default=true

If set to false and the file already exists, the file will not be modified even if changes would otherwise be made. Permissions and ownership will still be enforced, however.

    - name: /tmp/sub/some/dir/utf8-js-1.json
    - makedirs: true
    - repl: false
    - user: root
    - group: root
    - mode: 0755

A similar behaviour will be enforced by the following script

    - name: /tmp/sub/some/dir/utf8-js-1.json
    - makedirs: true
    - creates: /tmp/sub/some/dir/utf8-js-1.json
    - user: root
    - group: root
    - mode: 0755

however the user, group and mode changes will not be applied when /tmp/sub/some/dir/utf8-js-1.json exists.


optional boolean default=false

If set to true, tacoscript won’t verify the hash of the source file from the source_hash field. The source_hash will be checked against the target file if it maches, the task will be skipped. Tacoscript will download source to a temp folder, calculate it’s sha256 hash and compare to the sha256 hash of the target file. If they don’t match, file will be replaced or created. If set to false, tacoscript will check if source_hash matches to the hash of the source location. If not, the script will fail with an exception. Further source_hash will be checked for the target file. If not matched, file will be replaced/created and skipped otherwise.

    - name: /tmp/sub/utf8-js-1.json
    - source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathiasbynens/utf8.js/master/package.json
    - source_hash: sha256=40c5219fc82b478b1704a02d66c93cec2da90afa62dc18d7af06c6130d9966ed
    - skip_verify: true

In this script, the file /tmp/sub/utf8-js-1.json will be created/replaced only if sha256 hash of source https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mathiasbynens/utf8.js/master/package.json doesn’t match with /tmp/sub/utf8-js-1.json.


optional string

UTF-8 encoded string which expected to be the content of the target file. This value excludes the usage of source field as tacoscript uses data either from source or contents field. Additionally source_hash and skip_verify are ignored, if contents field is provided.

    - name: my-file-win1251.txt
    - contents: |
        goes here
        Funny file        

In this example we take the contents of the my-file-win1251.txt file and compare it with the contents field line by line. If they matched, no content modification will be done. If not, the target file my-file-win1251.txt will contain goes here Funny file, respecting multiline format.

Additionally, you will see in logs something like (assuming that my-file-win1251.txt is empty)

expected: ""\ngoes here\nFunny file""
actual: """"
--- Expected
+++ Actual
goes here
Funny file

which shows what was changed in target file: rows with - are added and rows with + stayed unchanged.


optional integer default=0774

This field shows the desired filemode for the target file. This value will be ignored in Windows. If mode is not set and file exists, no file mode will be changed. If mode is not set and file is created, the default mode 0774 will be set to it.

    - name: /tmp/myfile.txt
    - contents: one
    - mode: 0777

As a result of this execution, file /tmp/myfile.txt will have rwxrwxrwx rights (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File-system_permissions)


optional string

This field shows the desired owner of the target file. This value will be ignored in Windows. By default, all files are created with the ownership of the current user. However, if user field is specified, tacoscript will try to change the ownership of the target file (no matter if it was created or updated) to the desired username. Of course this would require running tacoscript with sufficient rights (e.g. as a root user).

Additionally, tacoscript will not apply ownership changes to the target file if onlyif, unless, creates conditions failed or hash of the target file matches with source_hash value. If skip_verify is true and hash of target and source file matched or there was no diff between the contents field and the contents of the target file, tacoscript will change the ownership of the target file.


optional string

This field shows the desired group of the target file. This value will be ignored in Windows. By default, all files are created with the ownership of the current user and his default group. However if group field is specified, tacoscript will try to change the ownership of the target file (no matter if it was created or updated) to the desired group name. Of course this would require running tacoscript with sufficient rights (e.g. as a root user). Consider following example:

    - name: /tmp/myfile.txt
    - contents: one,two,three
    - user: root
    - group: wheel

As a result of this execution (ls -la /tmp/), you will see the corresponding owner and group of the target file:

total 10536
drwxrwxrwt  31 root        wheel      992 Sep  6 21:10 .
drwxr-xr-x   6 root        wheel      192 Aug 29 09:42 ..
rwxr-xr-x   2 root        wheel       64 Sep  0 10:18 myfile.txt


optional string

This field shows the desired encoding for the content of the target file. This field can be only used in combination with the contents field. Tacoscript accepts yaml file only in UTF-8 format. However, users can specify a different value in encoding field. If target file exists, tacoscript will read it and convert from the specified encoding to UTF-8. Then the contents script value will be compared with the decoded contents of the target file. If target file is empty, or contents didn’t match, tacoscript will convert the contents value to the encoding and write the result to the target file.

    - name: my-file-win1251.txt
    - contents: One
    - encoding: windows1251

After this script, the file my-file-win1251.txt will be saved in windows1251 encoding.

  • codepage037
  • codepage1047
  • codepage1140
  • codepage437
  • codepage850
  • codepage852
  • codepage855
  • codepage858
  • codepage860
  • codepage862
  • codepage863
  • codepage865
  • codepage866
  • iso8859_1
  • iso8859_10
  • iso8859_13
  • iso8859_14
  • iso8859_15
  • iso8859_16
  • iso8859_2
  • iso8859_3
  • iso8859_4
  • iso8859_5
  • iso8859_6
  • iso8859_7
  • iso8859_8
  • iso8859_9
  • koi8r
  • koi8u
  • macintosh
  • macintoshcyrillic
  • windows1250
  • windows1251
  • windows1252
  • windows1253
  • windows1254
  • windows1255
  • windows1256
  • windows1257
  • windows1258
  • windows874
  • gb18030
  • gbk
  • big5
  • eucjp
  • iso2022jp
  • shiftJIS
  • euckr
  • utf16be
  • utf16le
  • utf8
  • utf-8
Tacoscript will fail, if an unsupported encoding is provided.


The task file.replace allows you to replace the contents of files using regular expressions.

file.replace has following format:

    - name: ~/.aws/config
    - pattern: region = us-east-1
    - repl: region = ap-southeast-1
    - onlyif:

We can interpret this script as:

  1. Only perform this task if the file ~/.aws/config exists
  2. Using ~/.aws/config, replace region = us-east-1 with region = ap-southeast-1
  3. No backup will be made as the backup property is not set

Here is another file.replace task:

    - name: ~/.aws/config
    - pattern: region = us-east-2(.*)$
    - repl: region = us-west-2$1
    - backup: "bak"
    - onlyif:

We can read it as following:

  1. Only perform this task if the file ~/.aws/config exists
  2. Using ~/.aws/config then using a regex pattern, replace the us-east-2 region with ap-southeast-2 but keep the same availability zone
  3. Make a backup with the extension .bak
List of supported parameters:
Note that the global parameters for conditionals, dependencies and templating are also supported.


required string

name is the file path of the target file. file.replaced will search the contents of this file for the pattern provided.


required string

Contains the regular expression to search for in the target file. The regular expressions supported use the golang regexp engine. Group replacements are supported using the standard () and $ notations.


required string

This is the text that will replace any text matching the pattern specified in the file indicated by name.


optional string

The number of replacements in the target file can be limited by using the count parameter.


optional string

If set to true then either the text specified by the not_found_content will be appended to the target file. If the not_found_context parameter is empty then any content in the repl parameter will be used.


optional string

If set to true then either the text specified by the not_found_content will be prepended to the target file. If the not_found_context parameter is empty then any content in the repl parameter will be used.


optional string

The text specified by this property will be used when either the append_if_not_found or prepend_if_not_found parameters are set to true. The text will be appended or prepended to the target file accordingly.


optional string

If set then this value will be used as an filename extension to be added to a backup copy of the target file. If not set then no backup file will be created.


optional string default=500k

If set then target files whose size is greater will be skipped.